"First Workshop on Mission Demonstration Satellite Lidar"

March 11,1998, Hakone Hotel Kagetsuen, Hakone, Japan
Organized by
MDS Lidar Team, Commitee for Earth Observation Systems
Earth Science and Technology Forum
Earth Science & Technology Organization

Cover (PDF file)
Preface - Contents (PDF file)

Overview of MDS-2 Project
N. Tanioka PDF file

Scientific application
Y. Sasano PDF file

Overall project organization and status
Y. Kawamura PDF file

Project organization, status and plan: Establishing researchers groups and a science team
Y. Sasano PDF file

Hardware design and development plan of Experimental Lidar In Space Equipment (ELISE)
K. Tatsumi, T. Imai, Y. Kawamura, N. Tanioka, T. Aoyagi and T. Takada PDF file

Ocular hazard probability of MDS-LIDAR
H. Koshiishi PDF file

Data acquisition requirement from application
Y. Sasano PDF file

Data acquisition and operation plan
T. Imai PDF file

Design and performance of LITE
D. Winker PDF file

Simulation of the MDS lidar from ER-2 CLS data
J. Spinhirne PDF file

LITE correlative measurements and multiple scattering estimation using airborne lidar systems
E. V. Browell PDF file

Algorithm studies needed and development plan
N. Sugimoto PDF file

An iterative algorithm using near-end boundary for stable lidar inversion
Z. Liu, N. Sugimoto, T. Kobayashi, I. Matsui and Y. Sasano PDF file

Retrieval of optical and microphysical properties of clouds from space-based lidar data
C. M. R. Platt, D. Winker, M. Vaughan and W. Hunt PDF file

Product definition and data processing requirements
N. Sugimoto PDF file

Validation requirement and plan
Y. Sasano PDF file

PIan for lidar network observation of SPM in East Asia and validation of MDS lidar data
N. Takeuchi, H. Kuze, S.-C. Yoon and H. Hu PDF file

Plan of MDS lidar validation
O. Uchino PDF file

Lidar observation of aerosols and clouds in Jakarta, Indonesia
N. Sugimoto PDF file

CRL lidar sites for MDS lidar validation
T. Itabe PDF file

Multiple scattering effects on detecting multi-layerd clouds with space-borne lidar
T. Kobayashi PDF file

Trivariate mixed lognormal distribution: A statistical model for analyzing cloud data
K. Shimizu, T. Hayasaka, N. Sugimoto and I. Matsui PDF file

Studies on ground-base experiments for verifications of a spaceborne lidar
M. Abo and C. Nagasawa PDF file

Research topics proposed
Y. Sasano PDF file

Participants List (PDF file)