レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
1巻2号 (2020年10月)
Volume 1, Number 2 (October 2020)
巻頭言: 日本における衛星搭載ライダーの実現に向けて  pp. 43-44
Prefatry note: Toward the Realization of Spaceborne Lidar in Japan
内野 修
The project research committee on spaceborne lidar was established in the Laser Radar Society of Japan in April 2019. The meeting was held 4 times in 2019. Scientific objectives and large contributions to society were discussed on the proposed spaceborne lidar systems by the members of the committee and experts. Five spaceborne lidar proposals are published in this special issue. The committee will endorse the realization of the proposed spaceborne lidar with many persons concerned.