レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
2巻1号 (2021年4月) Volume 2, Number 1 (April 2021) |
解説: セキュリティ分野におけるレーザリモートセンシング pp. 10-16 Technical Review: Security applications of laser remote sensing 伊澤 淳,横澤 剛,倉田 孝男,大海 聡一郎,藏田 真太郎, 染川 智弘,江藤 修三,眞子 直弘,堀澤 秀之,山口 滋,藤井 隆,久世 宏明 Jun IZAWA, Takeshi YOKOZAWA, Takao KURATA, Soichiro OOMI, Shintaro KURATA, Toshihiro SOMEKAWA, Shuzo ETO, Naohiro MANAGO, Hideyuki HORISAWA, Shigeru YAMAGUCHI, Takashi FUJII, and Hiroaki KUZE |
Abstract We describe the application of laser remote sensing technology to a wide range of environments by using our laser radar technology based on Mie scattering lidar, with various laser-sensing methods such as spectroscopy and image acquisition. Among various targets, this paper focuses on the field of security, namely, CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear, and Explosive) remote detection. The use of a high-power, compact femtosecond laser (terawatt laser) enables classifying cesium aerosol (radioactive and nuclear simulated) and riboflavin aerosol (biological simulated) at a stand-off distance of 10 m and identifying different plastics (explosive simulated). In turbid water that simulated seawater, visualization of the 1951 USAF (U.S. Air Force) resolution test chart was achieved using a pulse laser as part of turbid water visualization technology. Since no information was available from a normal camera, the results have confirmed the superiority of our method. We also describe laser Raman measurements that have shown the ability to identify underwater substances. |