レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
2巻1号 (2021年4月)
Volume 2, Number 1 (April 2021)
解説: 水中 LiDAR への取り組み  pp. 25-30
Technical Review: Challenges to Realize Underwater LiDAR
島田 雄史,鈴木 謙一
Takeshi SHIMADA and Ken-Ichi SUZUKI
This paper describes our challenges to realize underwater LiDAR. We have provided a LiDAR kit suitable for developing prototype LiDAR’s for various applications. Based on our developing experiences regarding these LiDAR’s, we have started to challenge the research and development of an underwater LiDAR. In this paper, firstly we introduce ALAN consortium that promotes underwater optical wireless technologies including underwater LiDAR. Secondly, we explain loss characteristics of underwater optical propagation and optical devices usable in underwater, which are important issues for developing an underwater LiDAR. After that, we explain our developed prototyping underwater LiDAR and also show a 3D scan image of an object located in underwater, which were successfully obtained using that.