レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
2巻2号 (2021年10月) Volume 2, Number 2 (October 2021) |
解説: レーザ誘起ブレイクダウン分光法の計測原理と応用例 pp. 75-84 Technical Review: Measurement principles and applications of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy 江藤 修三 Shuzo Eto |
Abstract An overview of the principle of the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS)and its applications are presented. The formation process of laser-induced plasma by analogy with the physical revision of the initial stage of high-frequency discharge and the comparison with other elemental analysis techniques are presented in the principle. The measurement of the chlorine in a concrete, the chlorine in the salt attached on a steel, and the carbon in a steel are shown in the application examples. |