レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
3巻2号 (2022年10月)
Volume 3, Number 2 (October 2022)
巻頭言: 産業応用ライダー特集: 緒言  pp. 66-67
Prefatry note: Introduction of Special Issue on LiDARs for Industrial Applications
小林 喬郎
Takao Kobayashi
This issue features on Lidars for industrial applications. Historical developments of industrial Lidars in Japan are reviewed from the viewpoint of originality, excellence, versatility, low cost etc. of the principle and method.
キーワード: ライダー,産業応用
Key Words: Lidar, Industrial Application