レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
3巻2号 (2022年10月)
Volume 3, Number 2 (October 2022)
解説: 光コム干渉による高機能光計測  pp. 79-90
Technical Review: Advanced optical measurements using optical frequency comb interferometry
今井 一宏,マーク ジャボロンスキー,興梠 元伸
Kazuhiro Imai, Mark Jablonski, and Motonobu Kourogi
Optical frequency comb technology bridges the gap between the optical domain and the microwave domain. The optical frequency comb enables rapid and precise ranging based on time-of-flight measurements in the optical band with interferometric analysis in the microwave band. In this paper, we introduce high-precision absolute distance and profile measurement systems using electro-optic modulator-based optical frequency combs. The accuracy and the reproducibility of the measurements are better than 1 μm. The repetition rate of the measurements is 500 kHz within the ambiguity-free measurement range and 1 kHz for longer distances.
キーワード: 光コム,干渉計,絶対距離計,形状計測,デュアルコム距離計測
Key Words: Optical comb, Interferometer, Absolute distance meter, Profile Measurement, Dual comb ranging