レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
3巻2号 (2022年10月) Volume 3, Number 2 (October 2022) |
解説: 光コム干渉による高機能光計測 pp. 79-90 Technical Review: Advanced optical measurements using optical frequency comb interferometry 今井 一宏,マーク ジャボロンスキー,興梠 元伸 Kazuhiro Imai, Mark Jablonski, and Motonobu Kourogi |
Abstract Optical frequency comb technology bridges the gap between the optical domain and the microwave domain. The optical frequency comb enables rapid and precise ranging based on time-of-flight measurements in the optical band with interferometric analysis in the microwave band. In this paper, we introduce high-precision absolute distance and profile measurement systems using electro-optic modulator-based optical frequency combs. The accuracy and the reproducibility of the measurements are better than 1 μm. The repetition rate of the measurements is 500 kHz within the ambiguity-free measurement range and 1 kHz for longer distances. |
キーワード: 光コム,干渉計,絶対距離計,形状計測,デュアルコム距離計測 Key Words: Optical comb, Interferometer, Absolute distance meter, Profile Measurement, Dual comb ranging |