レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
4巻1号 (2023年4月)
Volume 4, Number 1 (April 2023)
解説: 能動型センサを用いたエアロゾル―雲相互作用研究の紹介  pp. 12-20
Technical Review: Introduction of the aerosol-cloud interaction studies using active sensors
河本 和明
Kazuaki Kawamoto
The aerosol-cloud interaction (hereafter ACI) has been recognized as one of the most uncertain processes in the current climate system. In this paper, several observational studies using active satellite sensors( CloudSat and CALIPSO) on ACI are introduced such as cloud behaviors, cloud classification, precipitation susceptibility, invigoration, buffer-system and cloud phase issues. Although the recent understanding on ACI is advancing, invigoration-related problems are particularly elusive. Synergetic efforts among observations, laboratory experiments and numerical modeling are strongly desired towards the deeper understanding on ACI, especially for mixed-phase and ice clouds whose ACI mechanisms are much more complicated than those of water clouds.
キーワード: エアロゾル―雲相互作用,能動型センサ,CloudSat,CALIPSO
Key Words: Aerosol-cloud interaction, Active sensor, CloudSat, CALIPSO