レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
4巻1号 (2023年4月)
Volume 4, Number 1 (April 2023)
解説: 衛星搭載ライダーエアロゾル観測のデータ同化  pp. 21-32
Technical Review: Data assimilation of satellite-borne lidar aerosol observations
関山 剛
Tsuyoshi Thomas Sekiyama
Data assimilation is a mathematical method based on Bayesian statistics for estimating the state of complex systems such as the atmosphere and oceans using observational data and numerical models. While the accuracy of numerical models has been recently improved, the model state can be very different from the real Earth after a few days or weeks of integration. Data assimilation can correct it. Satellite-borne lidars can provide a huge amount of observational data for atmospheric aerosol data assimilation, although the observations are only vertical with a 0-degree view angle. Lidar vertical observations can be extended to horizontally distributed information by data assimilation, in which aerosol concentrations and emissions are optimally estimated. Therefore, the combination of satellite-borne lidar observations and data assimilation is ideal for atmospheric aerosol research. We hope that the atmospheric aerosol products estimated by the combination will be used for global environment monitoring and climate change prediction.
キーワード: データ同化,エアロゾル,ライダー,衛星観測
Key Words: Data Assimilation, Aerosol, Lidar, Satellite Observations