レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
4巻1号 (2023年4月)
Volume 4, Number 1 (April 2023)
解説: ドップラーライダーを活用した 大気汚染物質の動態・拡散過程の研究  pp. 40-47
Technical Review: Pollutant diffusion/variations using 3-D coherent Doppler lidar measurement
髙島 久洋
Hisahiro Takashima
The Doppler lidar is a powerful tool for direct observation of 3-D wind speed/direction. Combining observations of trace gas/air pollutants with the Doppler lidar allows us to understand the finer diffusion process of air pollutants. In this report, we present a study of pollutant diffusion over the Fukuoka urban areas using the MAX-DOAS trace gas profile and ground-based gas/aerosol observations combined with Doppler lidar wind observations.
キーワード: ドップラーライダー,大気汚染物質拡散,二酸化窒素,MAX-DOAS
Key Words: Doppler lidar, diffusion of air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide, MAX-DOAS