レーザーセンシング学会誌 (ISSN 2436-6239)
Journal of Laser Radar Society of Japan (ISSN 2436-6239)
4巻1号 (2023年4月)
Volume 4, Number 1 (April 2023)
解説: 桜島火山に設置されたライダーによる 火山噴出物の観測  pp. 48-56
Technical Review: Lidar observations of eruptive products of the Sakurajima volcano
中道 治久
Haruhisa Nakamichi
Two lidar instruments were installed at the Sakurajima volcano at the end of November 2014. These Sakurajima lidar instruments were the first to specifically observe the eruptive products of this volcano in Japan. The Sakurajima volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in the best location for observing eruptive products. Volcanic ash is the most fine-grain of eruptive products with the particles size of atmospheric aerosols. The lidar instruments can observe such fine volcanic ash. Small eruptions, unreported by the Japan Meteorological Agency, can be detected by the lidar instruments set up at the Sakurajima volcano. Large volcanic eruptions are a concern in Sakurajima Island, during which prevailing westerly winds could disperse volcanic ash to the Japanese Islands. Therefore, this ash is expected to be observed using lidar instruments in the Japanese Islands.
キーワード: ライダー,桜島火山,火山噴火,火山噴出物,火山灰
Key Words: Lidar, Sakurajima volcano, eruption, eruptive products, volcanic ash