Recommended web browsers: |
Windows users: |
6.1 or later version
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 (service
pack 2) or later version |
Macintosh users: |
6.1 or later version
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1(128
bit version) or later version |
The fee automatically changed
at 0:00 on May 31, 2006 (Japan
time GMT+9). |
Category |
May 31, 2006 |
June 1 (late) |
Regular |
JPY 50,000.- |
JPY 60,000.- |
Students* |
JPY 30,000.- |
JPY 40,000.- |
person fee (Banquet dinner fee) |
JPY 6,000.- |
JPY 8,000.- |
Additional proceedings &
CD-ROM: JPY20, 000 |
*Students must present evidence
of status at the time of registration. |
The registration fee includes: Access to the scientific sessions,
conference kit (a conference bag, a copy of proceedings, a CD-ROM), welcome
reception, refreshments, banquet dinner fee and a trip for the participant.
When the accompanying persons with the participant pay the banquet fee,
they can access to welcome reception, refreshments, banquet dinner fee and a
trip for the participant.
Cancellation policy:
All requests
for refunds must be received on web site
by June 30, 2006 ( Japan time). All registrations
received after June 30, 2006 , are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Registration at
Hotel Nikko Nara
Registration Desk at
the Reception Site (Hotel Nikko Nara)
will be open on Sunday July 23, 2006 ,
from 16:00 to 18:00 . All participants
and accompanying persons are cordially
invited to an informal Get-together Party
to be held on Sunday, July 23, from 18:00
to 20:00 at the banquet room of the Hotel
Nikko Nara. |
Registration at the
New Public Hall Registration
Desk will be open from 8:30 to 18:00 on
Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th
and Thursday 27th, and from 8:30 to 12:00
on Friday 28th. |
Participants and accompanying
persons are requested to wear the conference
badge at all time for the events of the
Conference. |