The First International Workshop on Spaceborne Cloud Profiling Radar
January 24-26, 2000, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan
Organized/sponsored by
- Communications Research Laboratoty, Japan
- GKSS Research Center, Germany
- Laser Radar Sub-group; Cloud Profiling Radar Sub-group; under ATMOS-B1 Team/ESTO(Earth Science and Technology Organization), Japan
Science and Technology Agency, Japan
Cover, Preface (PDF file)
Group Photo (PDF file)
Proceeding Contents (PDF file)
Summary of the First International Workshop on Spaceborne Cloud Profiling Radar
H. Kumagai, E. Raschke, S. Y. Matrosov, J. Testud, T. P. Ackerman, H. Aydin, Y. Sasano, G. L. Stephens, and A. Illingworth PDF file
Key Note Speeches
Do we need a cloud profiling radar in space?
E. Rashke and M. Quanye PDF file
On the science of a space-borne cloud radar
G. L. Stephens PDF file
The use of ground-based cloud radar for continuous cloud observations
T. P. Ackerman, R. T. Marchand, E. E. Clothiaux and M. Sengupta PDF file
Models and Simulations
Modeling of clouds and aerosols toward long-range forecasts of Asian summer monsoon
T. Iwasaki and H. Kitagawa PDF file
Suggestion from analysis of TRMM
Y. N. Takayabu PDF file
Numerical simulation of a cirrus cloud and its detectability by a cloud radar
K. Maruyama, L. Levkov and Y. Fujiyoshi PDF file
Impact of rain assimilation on the ECMWF analysis and forecast
V. Marecal and J.-F. Mahfouf PDF file
Effects of low clouds and low-level water vapor in short-time variations of tropical convection
A. Numaguti and H. Kubota PDF file
Global three-dimensional simulation and radiative forcing of various aerosol species
T. Takemura, H. Okamoto, A. Numaguti, A. Higurashi and T. Nakajima PDF file
Passive Remote Sensing - Ground Base and Airborne
Measurement of microphysical and radiative properties of stratiform clouds in the Japanese Cloud-Climate Study (JACCS) program
S. Asano and JACCS/MRI Observation Team PDF file
Airborne measurement of the cloud radiationbudget for stratocumulus in the Japanese Cloud-Climate Study (JACCS)
A. Uchiyama and JACCS/MRI Airborne Observation Team PDF file
Observation of polar clouds and aerosols for radiation budget and climate study
T. Yamanouchi PDF file
Passive Remote Sensing - Satellite
Evaluation of satellite remote sensing of cloud
T. Hayasaka, H. Iwabuchi and N. Kikuchi PDF file
Cirrus cloud remote sensing from split window and 6.7 um
T. Inoue and Y. Mano PDF file
Spectral aerosol optical thickness retrieval using polarization measurements from space
K. Masuda, M. Sasaki, H. Ishimoto and T. Takashima PDF file
An estimation of the radiative forcing of indirect effects of anthropogenic aerosols from satellite remote sensing and climate modeling
T. Nakajima, A. Higurashi, K. Kawamoto, J. E. Penner, T. Takemura and K. Suzuki PDF file
Active Remote Sensing - Radar
Cloud parameter retrieveal from combined remote sensing observations
J. Testud, C. Tinel, A. Guyot and K. Caillault PDF file
Retrievals of cloud content and particle characteristic size using NOAA ETL cloud radars
S. Y. Matrosov, A. S. Frisch, R. A. Kropfli and T. Uttal PDF file
Millimeter wave radar scattering from cloud ice drystal
K. Aydin and T. M. Walsh PDF file
Toward a suite of cloud property retrieval algorithms for CloudSat: philosophy and recent progress
G. G. Mace, Z. Wang, K. Sassen, R. Marchand, G. Stephens, T. Ackerman and S. Matrosov PDF file
A potential of cloud profiling radar for measurements of cloud and precipitation
T. Kobayashi, A. Adachi and K. Masuda PDF file
Preliminary results of the cloud observation with CRL airborne cloud profiling radar (SPIDAR)
H. Horie, H. Okamoto, T. Iguchi, S. Iwasaki, H. Kuroiwa and H. Kumagai PDF file
Preliminary field evaluation of a Ka-band Doppler radar for fog and cloud observations
K. Hamazu, T. Wakayama, H. Hashiguchi, T. Matsuda and S. Fukao PDF file
The NIED dual-frequency cloud radar system under development
K. Iwanami, M. Maki, R. Misumi, S. Watanabe and K. Hata PDF file
Active Remote Sensing - Lidar
Remote sensing of aerosol by lidar at AIOFM, China
H. Hu, Y. Wu, T. Li, S. Hu and J. Zhou PDF file
Airborne backscatter lidar: LITE validation and co-located ground-based radar measurements during CLARE'98
H. Flentje, W. Ranger, M. Wirth, G. Ehret, M. Quante, O. Danne and P. Francis PDF file
Arctic cloud and aerosol observations using a Micro-pulse Lidar in Svalbard
M. Shiobara PDF file
Statistical analysis of cloud distribution observed with a ground-based lidar
M. Takagiwa, K. Shimizu, I. Matsui and N. Sugimoto PDF file
Bidirectional radiative characteristics of finite clouds and Asian dust (Kosa)
K. Gotoh, T. Sakai, T. Shibata and Y. Iwasaka PDF file
Model calculations of the multiple scattering for the depolarization ratios by polarization lidar measurements
H. Ishimoto, K. Masuda and T. Kobayashi PDF file
Simulation study of cloud and aerosol measurements with ELISE
Z. Liu, P. Voelger and N. Sugimoto PDF file
Influence of multiple scattering on measurements with ELISE
P. Voelger, Z. Liu and N. Sugimoto PDF file
Synergy Use
Detection of ice clouds by radar and lidar and comparison with operational NWP models
A. J. Illingworth and R. Hogan PDF file
Sensor synergy algorithms: development and validation
A. van Lammeren, D. Donovan and H. Bloemink PDF file
Algorithm studies for radar and lidar systems
H. Okamoto, S. Iwasaki and H. Horie PDF file
Satellite Missions
The PICASSO-CENA mission
D. M. Winker PDF file
The Earth Radiation Mission: the role of clouds and aerosols
J. P. V. Baptista, A. Culoma, P. Ingmann, W. Leibrandt, C.-C. Lin and R. Meynart PDF file
CPR design and development status for the ESA Earth Radiation Explorer Mission
C. C. Lin, W. Leibrandt, U. Mallow and R. Bordi PDF file
The CloudSat mission
D. Vane and G. Stephens PDF file
ELISE (Experimental Lidar In Space Equipment): First Japanese spaceborne lidar project
K. Asai, Y. Sasano, N. Sugimoto, H. Kobayashi, Y. Kawamura, M. Ishizu and T. Imai PDF file
Conceptual design of CPR proposed to MDS-3 mission
H. Kuroiwa, H. Kumagai, H. Horie and H. Okamoto PDF file
From TRMM experience
T. Iguchi PDF file