International Workshop on Spaceborne Lidar 1995
- Technology and Applications -"
October 24- 26,1995, Nara Prefectural Clulture Hall Nara, Japan
Organized by Earth Environment Observation Committee (EEOC)
National Space Development Agancy of Japan (NASDA)
Cover (PDF file)
Preface and Workshop Program (PDF file)
Contents (PDF file)
Opening Session
K. Asai (Tohoku Instute of Technology) PDF file
Earth Observation Long Term Scenario in Japan
T. Igarashi (National Space Development Agency of Japan) PDF file
What will we see from space using a Mie lidar ?
Y .Sasano (National Institute of Environmental Studies) PDF file
Spaceborne Cloud and Aerosol Information for Climate Research
E. Raschke (GKSS Research Center) PDF file
Implications of Three Dimensional Cloud/Aerosol Measurement in the Climate Change Issues
T. Nakajima (Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo) PDF file
Small Satellite System for Technology Demonstration
T. Hidaka, Y. Kawada, A. Noda, T. Fujita (National Space Development Agency of Japan) PDF file
Conceptual Study and Near Future Plan of Space LIDAR
N. Tanioka, S. Ishii, A. Tuiki, Y. Yamamoto (National Space Development Agency of Japan) PDF file
LITE : The First Atmospheric Lidar Measurements from Space
D.M. Winker and M.P. McCormick (NASA Langley Research Center) PDF file
LITE Observations of Biomass Burning Over South Atlantic Basin
E.V. Browell, W.B. Grant (NASA Langley Researc Chenter), G.D. Nowicki, M.A. Fenn (Science Applications lntemational Corp.), R.M. Hoff (Atmospheric Environment Service) PDF file
Cloud Inhomogeneity and Shortwave Radiation Budget
T. Hayasaka (Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies,Tohoku University) PDF file
Overview of the Studies Conducted in France to Assess the Benefit of a Space Based Backscatter Lidar for a Radiation and Climate Watch Mission
P.H. Flamant (Iaboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique du CNRS), J. Pelon (Service d'Aeronomie du CNRS) PDF file
Need of 3-D Polar Cloud Climatology for Earth Radiation Budget Study
T. Yamanouchi (National Institute of Polar Research) PDF file
Utility of Spaceborne Lidar Data for Cloud Studies in Climate Research
G.L. Stephen( Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University) PDF file
Future Spaceborne Lidar Systems
T. Kobayashi (Fukui University) PDF file
Developments of All Solid-state Laser and Optics for Airborne and Space Lidar Systems
K. Tatsumi, Y. Hirano (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), N. Tanioka, S. Ishii (National Space Development Agency of Japan) PDF file
Conductively Cooled LDP Nd:YAG Laser for Spaceborne Lidar System
T. Ishii, T. Hotta, H. Kubomura, T. Araki, K. Nakajima, H. Imoto, R. Kameyama
(NEC Corporation), N. Tanioka, S. Ishii (National Space Development Agency of Japan) PDF file
Space LIDAR Activity in Toshiba
K. Tsuno, Y. Kameda (Toshiba Komukai Works), M. Nakayama, E. Koike (Toshiba Manufactural Engineering Research Center) PDF file
Development of Water Vapor DIAL
O. Uchino (Japan Meteorological Agency), T. Nagai, T. Fujimoto (Meteorological Research Institute), C. Nagasawa, M. Abo (Tokyo Metropolitan University) T. Nakajima (National Space Development Agency of Japan), K. Tatsumi, Y. Hirano (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) PDF file
Advanced Airbome DIAL Systems, Their Measurements and Plans for Future Spaceborne DlAL Missions
E.V.Browell, S. Ismail, W.B.Grant, N.S. Higdon (NASA Langley Research Center), A. Dudelzak (Space Technology Division, Canadian Space Agency) PDF file
Shuttle Laser Altimeter: A Pathfinder for Space-Based Laser Altimety and Lidar
J.L. Bufton (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) PDF file
Spaceborne Lidar "ALISSA" for Orbital "MIR" Station
G. Tulinov (Institute of Applied Geophysics), V. Melnikov (RKK Energia),
M. Gitkova (NPO Polus), M.L. Chanin, C. Malik (Senrice Aeronomy), M. Desbois (LMD-Ecole Polyechnique) PDF file
Feasibility Study for Atnospheric Water Vapor Measurements from Spaceborne DIAL
C. Nagasawa, M. Abo, T. Sugisaki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univenity), O. Uchino (Japan Meteorological Agency) PDF file
Closing Remark
T. Itabe (Communication Researchl^aboratory) PDF file
Participants List
Group Photo