"Workshop on Cloud, Aerosol, and Radiation Budget Measurements from Space and Their Science"

March 12- 13,1998, Hakone Hotel Kagetsuen, Hakone, Japan
Organized by
ATMOS-B1 Team, Cloud Profiling Radar Team, Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Budget Science Team and Laser Radar Sub Group, Commitee for Earth Observation Systems
Earth Science & Technology Organization

Cover (PDF file)
Preface - Contents (PDF file)

Cloud Climatology Using GMS Data
Itaru Okada, Tamio Takamura, Kiyofumi Ogino, and Hideki Tamaru (Chiba U.) PDF file

Recent Results from LITE on Aerosols and Thin Clouds in the Upper Troposphere
David M. Winker (NASA Langley) PDF file

Preliminary Results from IMG
H. Shimoda (Tokai U.) and R. Imasu (NIER) PDF file

The Estimation of Aerosol Optical Parameters from ADEOS/POLDER Data
Yoshiyuki Kawata and Akihiro Yamazaki (Kanazawa Inst. Technology) PDF file

Cloud Top Height, Optical Thickness, and Effective Particle Radius of Cirrus Retrieved from NOAA AVHRR Data
Tadahiro Hayasaka, Kyoko Yamamoto (Tohoku U.) Nobuo Sugimoto, Ichiro Matsui (NIES) PDF file

Investigation of Convective Clouds with Ice-Phase Process
Masaki Katsumata, Hiroshi Uyeda and Taro Shinoda (Hokkaido U.) PDF file

Prospective Methods for Retrieving Cloud Parameters Using Radar Measurements
Sergey Y. Matrosov (CIRES, U. of Colorado at Bolder and NOAA/ETL) A. Shelby Frisch (CIRA, Colorado Srate U. and NOAA/ETL) Robert A. Kropfli and Brooks E. Martner (NOAA /ETL) PDF file

Role of Spaceborne Cloud Radar in Precipitation Physics
Yasushi Fujiyoshi (Hokkaido U.) PDF file

Cirrus and Mid Level Clouds Remote Sensing Programme
P. H. Flamant, H. Chepfer, L, Sauvage, J. Pelon (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), France) PDF file

Specifications for a Spaceborne Cloud Radar: Algorithms and Synergy for Retrieving Cloud Properties
A. J. Illingworth, C.-L. Liu and R. J. Hogan (U. of Reading) PDF file

Remote Sensing of Cloud Properties with Lidar and Radiometry
C. M. R. Platt, S. A. Young, and R. T. Austin (CSIRO, Australia) PDF file

The CARL Project: A Further Step Towards the Determination of Microphysical Cloud Characterics from Active Remote Sensing
J. Pelon, P. Flamant, J. Testud (IPSL, France) M. Quante, O. Danne, E. R. Raschke (GKSS, Germany) PDF file

Estimateof the Cloud and Aerosol Effects on the Surface Radiative Flux Based on the Measurements and the Transfer Model Calculations. Part I: Shortwave Forcing in Tateno, Japan
Yukari, N. Takayabu (NIES) PDF file

LITE and Airborne Lidar Observations of Biomass Burning Plumes
E. V. Browell, W. B. Grant, and S. Ismail (NASA Langley) PDF file

Optical Thickness and Transport of the Aerosols Associated with Asian Dust Storm over the Deserts in Northwestern China
Kenji Kai (U. of Tsukuba) PDF file

Combined Passive and Active Laser Sensing of Clouds and Aerosol
James Spinhirne (NASA Goddard) PDF file

PIan for a MDS-CPR Mission Project
Teruyuki Nakajima (CCSR, U. of Tokyo) PDF file

Status of Cloud Profiling Radar for MDS
Hiroshi Kumagai (Communications Research Laboratory) PDF file

CLOUDSAT: Status and Prospects
Steven J. Walter (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) PDF file

Preliminary Results of the First Observation with an Airborne Cloud Radar (SPIDER)
Hiroaki Horie, Hiroshi Hanado, Toshio Iguchi, Yuji Ohsaki, Hiroshi Kumagai (Communications Research Laboratory) PDF file

The GKSS 95-GHz Cloud Radar: Experimental and Theoretical Studies in Support of a Spaceborne Cloud Radar Mission.
M. Quante, E. Raschke, O. Danne, H. Lemke (GKSS) H. Flint (Inst of Atmos. Phys.) J. Murller (GKSS) PDF file

Developmentof Ka-Band Doppler Radar for Cloud and Fog Observatio
T. Wakayama, S. Watanabe, K. Hamazur (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) H. Hashiguchi, S. Fukao (Kyoto U.) PDF file

Status of MDS-Lidar (EI,ISE) Project
Yasuhiro Sasano (NIES) PDF file

Status of the ATLID Backscatter Lidar: System and Technology Aspects
Alain Culoma (ESA/ESTC) PDF file

Performanceof the GLAS, ALR and ISIR Space Flight Experiments
James Spinhirne (NASA Goddard) PDF file

The Earth Radiation Mission
Paul Ingmann (ESA/ESTEC) PDF file

Present Status of Atmos-B1 Program
Tamio Takamura (Chiba U.) PDF file

Participants List (PDF file)