39th Japanese Laser Sensing Symposium
Organization :

Organized by Laser Radar Society of Japan
Date :
September 1-3, 2021
Format :
Web symposium
Topics :
- laser technology (new laser, nonlinear optics, laser spectroscopy etc.)
- optical technique (system, filter, detector etc.)
- laser sensing (environment and marine monitoring, biomedical and industrial application, ranging etc.)
- lidar technique (HSRL, Raman, DIAL etc.)
- lidar observation (aerosol, water vapor, cloud, wind, temperature, ozone, CO2 etc.)
- lidar application (lidar networks, data assimilation, weather forecast etc.)
- spaceborne and airborne lidars
Presentation format :
Oral presentation : 15 minutes including 3 minutes discussion
Poster presentation : a poster on the participant-only website and a 10 minutes oral presentation including 5 minutes discussion
Conference Language :
Japanese and English
Registration Fees :
Regular | Author | Member | 5,000 JPY |
Non-Member | 8,000 JPY |
Non-Author | Member | Free |
Non-Member |
Student | Author | Member | 3,000 JPY |
Non-Member | 5,000 JPY |
Non-Author | Member | Free |
Non-Member |
Deadlines :
- Presentation entry :
July 12, 2021 August 2, 2021
- Manuscript submission : August 2, 2021
Send e-mail with your manuscript to lss-exe(at)laser-sensing.jp by changing (at) to @ .
- Pre-registration : August 20, 2021
Manuscript format :
- Number of pages: Up to 4 pages.
- Paper size: A4 (W210xH297mm)
- Margin : 2.00cm for Left, Right, Top and Bottom
- Format
- File type: PDF
Symposium Chair : Takashi Fujii, University of Tokyo
Co-Chair : Naoki Kagawa, Fukuyama University
HP: http://laser-sensing.jp/lss39/
Contact: lss-exe(at)laser-sensing.jp (change (at) to @)