17th International Laser Radar Conference

July 25-29, 1994, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan

Sponsored by
Laser Radar Society of Japan
International Coordination Group on Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS)
National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)

Cover PDF
Program PDF
Index PDF

July 25 (Mon.)
9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony
H. Inaba (Chair of the Organizing Committee)
M. P. McCormick (Chair of ICLAS)
N. Ishida (Chairman of Tohoku Intelligent Cosmos Promotion Council)

9:20-10:25 Session 25A Regional Monitoring
Chair persons: G. Davidson (PhotoMetrics, USA), N. Takeuchi (Chiba Univ., Japan)

25A1 Airborne Lidar for Measurements of Atmospheric Gases and Aerosols (Invited)
E. V. Browell (NASA LaRC, USA) ...1 [PDF]

25A2 Lidar Observation of Aerosol Stratification in the Case of Sea Breeze Circulation near the Shore
I. Kolev, O. Parvanov, B. Kaprielov (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria), E. Donev, D. Ivanov ("St. Kliment Ohridski" Univ. of Sofia, Bulgaria) ...5 [PDF]

25A3 Laser Radar Observation of the Fog by "YAMASE WIND" from the Okhotsk Sea
M. Jyumonji, H. Uchiyama (Hachinohe Inst. Tech., Japan) ...9 [PDF]

25A4 An Overview of Lidar Studies of the Atmosphere at Pune, India
P. C. S. Devara, P. E. Rai, G. Pandithurai, S. Sharma (Indian Inst. Tropical Meteorol., India) ...11 [PDF]

10:40-12:00 Session 25B AerosoIs
Chair persons: P. N. Flamant (CNRS, France), T. Igarashi (Sendai Nat'l College of Tech., Japan)

25B1 Lidar Activity in China (Invited)
H. Hu (Anhui Inst. Opt. Fine Mechanics, China) ...15 [PDF]

25B2 Technique for Determining Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Parameters by Multi-Wavelength Laser Sounding
A. P. Chaikovsky, V. N. Shcherbakov, S. B. Tauroginskaya (Belarus Acad. Sci., Belarus) ...18 [PDF]

25B3 Aerosol Microphysical Properties Influence on Lidar Particle Size Retrieval
Y. Emery, C. Flesia (Univ. Genéva, Switzerland), A. Mugnai (Inst. di Fisica dell'Atmosfera, Italy) ...20 [PDF]

25B4 Stratifications and Size Distributions of Aerosols Derived from Simultaneous Measurements with Lidar and Radiometer
T. Hayasaka, Y. Meguro (Tohoku Univ., Japan), Y. Sasano (NIES., Japan), T. Takamura (National Defense Acad., Japan) ...24 [PDF]

25B5 Retrieval of Aerosol Size Distribution Moments wide Multi-Wavelength Lidar
L. de Schoulepnikoff (Neuchatel Obs., Switzerland), B. Stein, P. Rairoux (Free Univ. Berlin, Germany) ...26 [PDF]

13:30-15:20 Session 25C Trace Gasses & Plumes
Chair persons: W. Renger (DLR, Germany), R. Koga (Okayama Univ., Japan)

25C1 DIAL and Long Path Measurements of Pollution (Invited)
M. J. T. Milton (National Physical Laboratory, UK) ...30 [PDF]

25C2 DIAL Measurement of CH4, CO2, CO and N20 Using a Tunable IR Source Based on the Ti:Sapphire Laser
M. Uchiumi, O. C. Chee, K. Muraoka, M. Maeda (Kyushu Univ., Japan), O. Uchino (Meteorol. Res. Inst, Japan) ...31 [PDF]

25C3 Trace Gas Fluxes in the Convective Boundary Layer Observed with DIAL and Radar-RASS
C. Senff (Univ. Hamburg, Germany), M. Bauer (Kemforschungszemrum Karlsruhe, Germany), J. Bösenberg, G. C. Grabbe (Max-Planck-Inst. Meleorol, Germany), G. Peters, T. Schaberl (Univ. Hamburg, Germany) ...33 [PDF]

25C4 Remote Sensing of Mass Fluxes of Trace Gases in the Boundary Layer
Ch. Werner (DLR, Germany), R. Haus (Fraunhofer Inst., Germany), F. Kopp (DLR, Germany), K. Schafer (Fraunhofer Inst., Germany) ...35 [PDF]

25C5 Contrail Observation by Ground Based Scanning Lidar
V. Freudenthaler, F. Homburg, H. Jäger (Fraunhofer Inst., Germany) ...38 [PDF]

25C6 Airborne Lidar and Radiometric Detection and Analysis of Chemical Plumes
E. E. Uthe (SRI International, USA) ...40 [PDF]

25C7 Development of an Imaging Laser Radar for Long-Range Gas Plume Visualization
T. J. Kulp, R. Kennedy, M. Delong, D. Garvis (LLNL, USA), J. Stahovec (Naval Sea Systems Command, USA) ..42 [PDF]

25C8 Numerical Study of a Pump and Probe Lidar Experiment for In-Situ Tropospheric Measurements of the OH Radical
A. Clappier, B. Calpini, E. Durieux, L. Fiorani, L. Jaquet, H. van den Bergh (EPFL, Switzerland) ...45 [PDF]

l5:35~16:50 Session 25D Monitoring Techniques
Chair persons: J. A. Gelbwachs (Aerospace Corp.,USA), T. Itabe (CRL, Japan)

25D1 Iron Boltzmann Factor Lidar: Proposed New Remote Sensing Technique for Mesospheric Temperature
J. A. Gelbwachs (The Aerospace Corp., USA) ...48 [PDF]

25D2 A New Method for Monitoring Asbestos Fiber Aerosols by Measuring Polarization of Scattered Light: Principle
N. Hiromoto, T. Itabe, K. Araki (CRL, Japan), S. Ito (Toyo Univ., Japan) ...52 [PDF]

25D3 Dual-DIAL Measurements of Ozone Profiles
Z. Wang, H. Hu, J. Zhou (Anhui Inst. Opt. Fine Mechanics, China) ...54 [PDF]

25D4 Three Dimensional Imaging at 10 km Using a Diode Pumped Solid State LADAR
J. R. Brandt, T. D. Steiner (Wright Labs., USA) ...58 [PDF]

25D5 High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements Using an I2 Absorption Filter
E. W. Eloranta, P. Piironen (Univ. Wisconsin, USA) ...61 [PDF]

25D6 Computer Modeling of a Lidar Receiving System with a Nanosecond Resolution
D. V. Stoyanov, T. N. Dreischuh (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria) ...63 [PDF]

17/:30-19:30 Poster Session
25PA: Regional Monitoring

25PA1 Lidar Observation of the Troposphere in Tokyo
T. Murayama (Tokyo Univ. of Mercantile Marine, Japan) ...66 [PDF]

25PA2 A Program for the Environmental Monitoring by Laser Radar of Metro Manila, Philippines
M. C. Alarcon (Aleneo de Manila Univ., Philippines), S. V. Dorado, Ma. C. D. Galvez, E.A. Vallar (Univ. Philippines, Philippines) ...68 [PDF]

25PA3 Laser Altimetry Measurements of Okhotsk Sea Ice from an Airplane
M. Ishizu, T. Aoki, K. Mizutani, M. Takabe, T. Itabe (CRL, Japan) ...71 [PDF]

25PA4 Airborne Lidar Sensing of Lake Baikal Water Area
I. E. Penner, V. S. Shamanaev (Inst. Atmos. Optics, Russia) ...73 [PDF]

25PA5 The Pacific '93 Aircraft Lidar Experiment
R. M. Hoff, M. Harwood, A. Sheppard (At nos. Env. Service, Canada) ...76 [PDF]

25PA6 Lidar Observation of Turbulent Structure in Marine Boundary Layer
S. Yamagishi (Ship Res. Inst., Japan) ...79 [PDF]

25PB : Aerosols

25PB1 Analytical Inversion Method for the Lidar Equation: Sensitivity to Multiple Scattering and Particle Shape
C. Flesia, A. Starkov (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland) ...81 [PDF]

25PB2 Lidar Sensing of Aerosol Optical Parameters in Lower Troposphere
Y. S. Balin, I. A. Razenkov (Inst. Atmos. Optics, Russia) ...85 [PDF]

25PB3 Multi-Wavelength Laser Sounding of the Troposphere over Continental Regions
A. P. Chaikovsky, I. S. Hutko, A. P. Ivanov, F. P. Osipenko, V. N. Scherbakov, S. B. Tauroginskaya (Belarus Acad. Sci., Belarus) ...87 [PDF]

25PB4 Tropospheric Aerosol Measurements Using Lidar, Sunphotometer and Particle Counter
T. Takamura (Natioanl Defense Academy, Japan), Y. Sasano (NIES, Japan), T. Hayasaka (Tohoku Univ., Japan) ...89 [PDF]

25PB5 Wavelength Dependence of Aerosol Optical Parameters Measured by a Tunable Lidar
R. Toriumi, H. Tai (Tokyo Gas, Japan), H. Okumura, N. Takeuchi (Chiba Univ., Japan) ...91 [PDF]

25PB6 Aerosol Extinction Profiling with CO2-Lidar
A. Hégérd, R. Persson (NDRIC, Sweden) ...93 [PDF]

25PB7 High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Particle Size
E. W. Eloranta, P. Piironen (Univ. Wisconsin, USA) ...95 [PDF]

25PC: Trace Gasses & Plumes

25PC1 DIAL Measurements of Nitrogen Dioxide Based on Solid-State Lasers
R. Toriumi, H. Tai (Tokyo Gas, Japan), N. Takeuchi (Chiba Univ., Japan) ...98 [PDF]

25PC2 Airborne UV-DIAL Urban Plume Measurements
J. L. McElroy, C. M. Edmonds, D. H. Bundy (EPA, USA), H. Moosmuller, R. M. Jorgensen (Univ. Nevada, USA), R. J. Alvarez (NOAA, USA) ...100 [PDF]

25PC3 Surveillance of Industrial Emissions Using Lidar Techniques
H. Edner, P. Ragnarson, E. Wallinder (Lund InsL Tech., Sweden) ...104 [PDF]

25PC4 Lidar Measurements of Volcanic Gas Fluxes
H. Edner, P. Ragnarson, S. Svanberg, E. Wallinder (Lund Inst. Tech., Sweden) ...106 [PDF]

25PC5 Extending the CO2 DIAL Mapping Capability Observations of Gaseous Diffusion over Complex Terrain
S. Egert, D. Peri, J. Sivan, Y. Baumgarten (Israel Inst. Biol. Res., Israel) ...108 [PDF]

25PD: Monitoring Techniques

25PD1 Studies on the Stratospheric Aerosol Layer by Spectral-Polarization Lidar
A. P. Chaikovsky, A. P. Ivanov, F. P. Osipenko, V. N. Shcherbakov (Belarus Acad. Sci., Belarus) ...111 [PDF]

25PD2 Theory of Using Modulation Interference Radar (MIR) and its Fundamental Experiments Using Super Sonic Waves
M. Jinguuji, S. Ehara, T. Mogi (Kyushu Univ., Japan) ...113 [PDF]

25PD3 Synthetic Aperture Laser Radar for l0μm-Band High-Resolution Imaging
S. Yoshikado, T. Aruga (CRL, Japan) ...117 [PDF]

25PD4 An Ozone-Aerosol Lidar and a Three-Wavelength Inversion Technique
J. Qiu (Inst. At nos. Physics, CAS, China)...119 [PDF]

25PE: Atmospheric Optics

25PE1 Measurement of Depolarization and Fluorescence of the Cedar Pollen for Lidar Application
K. Kiuchi, M. Abo, C. Nagasawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan) ...123 [PDF]

25PE2 Lidar Studies of Light Scattering Anisotropy in the Atmosphere
B. V. Kaul, A. L. Kuznetsov, I. V. Samokhvalov (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...125 [PDF]

25PE3 Depolarization Measurements with the High Spectral Resolution Lidar
E. W. Eloranta, P. Piironen (Univ. Wisconsin, USA) ...127 [PDF]

25PE4 Lidar Polarization Measurements Necessity in Two Cases of Study of Processes in the Atmospheric Planetary Boundary Layer
I. Kolev, O. Parvanov, B. Kaprielov (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria) ...129 [PDF]

25PE5 Comparison of Multiple Scattering in Cloud and Fog
Y. Okazaki (Chiba Univ., Japan), K. Noguchi (Chiba Inst. Tech., Japan), H. Okumura, N. Takeuchi (Chiba Univ., Japan) ...131 [PDF]

25PE6 Cloud Microstructure Effect on the Lidar Return with Multiple Scattering
E. P. Zege, I. L. Kotaev, I. N. Polonsky, A. A. Kokhanovsky (Inst. for Physics, ANB, Belarus) ...133 [PDF]

25PF: Water Vapor

25PF1 Measurements of Upper Tropospheric Moisture with a Raman Lidar
S. E. Bisson, J. E. M. Goldsmith (Sandia NL, USA), A. D. Del Genio (NASA GSFC, USA) ...134 [PDF]

25PF2 Daytime Measurements of Water Vapor Mixing Ratio Using Raman Scattering-Techniques and Assessment
D. N. Whiteman, S. H. Melfi (NASA GSFC, USA), R. A. Ferraro, K. D. Evans (Hughes STX, USA) ...137 [PDF]

25PF3 Temporal and Spatial Variability of Atmospheric Water Vapor
S. H. Melfi (NASA GSFC, USA), K. D. Evans (Hughes STX, USA), D. N. Whiteman (NASA GSFC, USA), R. A. Ferrare (Hughes STX, USA) ...141 [PDF]

25PF4 Temperature Effect on Water Vapor Measurements with CO2 Differential Absorption Lidars
A. Ben-David (Science & Technology Corp., USA)...143 [PDF]

25PF5 DIAL Measurements of Water Vapor Using Two Narrowband Ti:Sapphire Lasers
C. Nagasawa, M. Abo, K. Kimiyama (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan), O.Uchino (CRL, Japan) ...147 [PDF]

July 26 (Tue.)
8:40~9:30 Session 26A Water Vapor
Chair persons: E. W. Eloranta (Univ. Wisconsin, USA), H. Fukunishi (Tohoku Univ. Japan)

26A1 Water Vapor DIAL Using an Alexandrite Regenerative Amplifier
V. Wulfmeyer, J. Bösenberg (Max-Planck-Inst. Meteorol., Germany) ...149 [PDF]

26A2 A Comparison of Water Vapor Measurements Made by Raman Lidar and Radiosondes
R. A. Ferraro (Hughes STX, USA), S. H. Melfi, D. N. Whiteman (NASA GSFC, USA), K. D. Evans (Hughes STX, USA), F. J. Schmidlin (NASA GSFC, USA) ...152 [PDF]

26A3 Daytime Raman Lidar Profiling of Atmospheric Water Vapor
J. E. M. Goldsmith, S. E. Bisson (Sandia NL, USA) ...156 [PDF]

26A4 Scale Invariant Properties of Water Vapor Measured by a Raman Lidar
K. D. Evans (Hughes STX, USA), S. H. Melfi (NASA GSFC, USA), R. A. Ferraro (Hughes STX, USA), D. N. Whiteman, A. Marshak, A. Davis (NASA GSFC, USA) ...159 [PDF]

Session 26B Lidar & Laser Sensing Systems
Chair persons: R. M. Hoff (AES, Canada), H. Ito (Tohoku Univ., Japan)

26B1 Micro Pulse Lidar Systems and Applications (Invited)
J. D. Spinhirne (NASA GSFC, USA) ... 162 [PDF]

26B2 Compact Lidar Systems for Surface, Ship-Based, and Airborne Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
R. M. Hardesty, C. J. Grund, W. L. Eberhard (NOAA ERL, USA), B. J. Rye, Y. Zhao (Univ. Colorado, USA) ...166 [PDF]

26B3 All Solid-Slate Laser System for Airborne Water Vapor Concentration Measurements in the Stratosphere Using the DIAL Technique in the Near Infrared
G. Ehret, W. Renger, E. Murphy, Ch. Wemer (DLR, Germany) ...169 [PDF]

26B4 Overview of Lidar Activities at NASDA
A. Kikuchi, T. Noguchi (NASDA, Japan) ...171 [PDF]

26B5 Extending the Dynamic Range of Differential Absorption Lidar Measurements through Large-Scale Dithering
A. O. Langford, T. J. O'Leary, M. H. Proffitt (NOAA Aeronomy Lab., USA) ...173 [PDF]

26B6 A Powerful Eyesafe Infrared Aerosol Lidar System
W. Carnuth, T. Trickl (Fraunhofer Inst., Germany) ...175 [PDF]

26B7 National Central University Lidar for the Lower and Upper Atmospheric Studies
J. B. Nee, C. B. Wang, P. C. Lee, S. B. Lin (National Central University, Taiwan) ...177 [PDF]

26B8 3D Laser Microvision
H. Shimotahira, F. Taga (ATR, Japan), K. Iizuka (Univ. Toronto, Canada) ...179 [PDF]

26B9 The Retroreflector in Space (RIS) Experiment (Invited)
N. Sugimoto (NIES, Japan) ...181 [PDF]

13:20-15:10 Session 26C Lasers & Devices for Lidar Systems
Chair persons: L. R. Bissonette (DREV, Canada), M. Ohi (Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Japan)

26C1 Remote Sensing with Tunable Lasers 1974-1994 (Invited)
R. L. Byer (Ginzton Laboratory, USA) ...185 [PDF]

26C2 Flashlamp Pumped Narrow Linewidth Dual-Wavelenth Ti:Sapphire Laser
H. Takeda, Y. Akabane, F. Kannari (Keio Univ., Japan) ...186 [PDF]

26C3 A Compact Sealed-TEA CO2 Laser for Lidar Applications
S. Ohkuma, J. Sakuma (Toshiba, Japan), A. Harasaki, S.Nishioka, M. Sugii (Japan Defense Agency, Japan)...188 [PDF]

26C4 Photomultipliers and Gating Circuits Suitable for Differential Absorption Lidars
M. Bristow, D. Bundy (EPA, USA), A. Wright (THORN EMI Electron Tubes, UK) ...191 [PDF]

26C5 Tunable Multiple Wavelength External Cavity Diode Lasers for Remote Sensing Applications
G. C. Papen, G. M. Murphy (Univ. Illinois, USA), G. J. Koch (NASA LaRC, USA), R. Y. Dejule, R. W. Kaliski (Micro Photonics, USA) ...194 [PDF]

26C6 Divergence of Transmitted Laser Beam in Radar Operation
T. Shiina, M. Ishizaki, K. Fukuhara, K.Ikeda (Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Japan) ...196 [PDF]

26C7 Lifetime Studies of an e-Beam Sustained CO2 Laser for Spacebome Doppler Wind Lidar
P. M. Schwarzenberger, S. Wallace, R. J. Robinson (GEC Hirst Res. Center, UK), D. V. Willetts, M. R. Harris (Defence Research Agency, UK) ...198 [PDF]

26C8 Development of Laser-Radar to Survey the Electrical Power Lines and Vicinit Trees
T. Aoki, K. Tashiro (Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan), M. Miyakawa, T. Kase, J. Ohta (NEC, Japan) ...202 [PDF]

15:25-16:50 Session 26D Coherent Lidar / Space Lidar
Chair persons: R.M. Hardesty (NOAA, USA), T. Amga (CRL, Japan)

26D1 Recent Developments in Solid-State Coherent Lidar (Invited)
S. W. Henderson, S. M. Hannon, P. J. M. Suni (Coherent Technologies, USA) ...204 [PDF]

26D2 Performance of a 2 μm Coherent Doppler Lidar
R. Frehlich (Univ. Colorado, USA), S. M. Hannon, S. W. Henderson (Coherent Technologies, Inc., USA) ...208 [PDF]

26D3 LITE Mission Operations and Experiment Plan Overview D. M. Winker (NASA LaRC, USA) ...210 [PDF]

26D4 Correlative Measurements in Support of LITE Using an Airborne Lidar
W. Renger, M. Wirtin, G. Ehret (DLR, Germany) ...213 [PDF]

26D5 Geoscience Laser Altimeter System(GLAS)
J. B. Abshire, J. C. Smith (NASA GSFC, USA), B. E. Schutz (Univ. Texas, USA) ...215 [PDF]

26D6 Multi-Beam Laser Altimeter for Surface Lidar Observations from Space
J. L. Bufton, D. J. Harding (NASA GSFC, USA), L. C. Rossi (NASA WFF, USA) ...219 [PDF]

17:00~17:50 ICLAS Business Meeting/Inaba Prize Awarding

17:50~19:50 Poster Session
26PA: Lidar & Laser Sensing Systems

26PA1 Target Detection in Terrain Background by Imaging Laser Radar
H. Hokazono, S. Kikukawa, Y. Mori (Japan Defense Agency, Japan) ...222 [PDF]

26PA2 Helicopter-Based Lidar System for Remote Measurement of Laser-Induced Spark and Fluorescence Spectra of Soil and Water Surfaces
A. F. Bunkin, A. V. Rezov (Russian Acad. Sci., Russia) ...224 [PDF]

26PA3 A Mobile CO2-Lidar-System for the Monitoring of Hazardous Trace Gases in Industrial Areas
T. Stuffler, H. W. Schrötter (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Miinchen, Germany) ...226 [PDF]

26PA4 Lidar for Sounding of Tropospheric Ozone Using a Copper-Vapor Laser and an Excimer Laser
V. V. Zuev, S. L. Bondarenko, V. D. Burlakov, M. Y. Kataev (Inst. Atmos. Optics, Russia) ...229 [PDF]

26PA5 ODIN, a New Approach for Meteorological Airport Surveillance
V. Klein, J. Roths, M. Erhard, M. Resch (Kayser-Threde GmbH, Germany), Ch. Werner, R. Heilmann, J. Streicher (DLR, Germany)...231 [PDF]

26PA6 Development of High Resolution Surface Radar System Using Laser Diode
K. Saito, T. Akasi, T. Akiyama, K. Ikeda (Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Japan) ...235 [PDF]

26PA7 An Approach to an Ultra Resolution Fault Locator
F. Taga (ATR, Japan), H. Shimotahira (ATR, Japan), K. Iizuka (Univ. Toronto, Canada) ...237 [PDF]

26PA8 Eye-Safe Compact Mie Scattering Lidar for Measuring the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
I. Matsui (NIES, Japan), H. Kubomura, H. lmoto (NEC, Japan), N. Sugimoto (NIES, Japan) ...240 [PDF]

26PA9 Revised Version of a Raman Lidar for Remote Monitoring of Atmospheric Emissions from Plant Stacks
Y. F. Arshinov, S. M. Bobrovnikov, D. I. Shelefontyuk, V. K. Shumskii (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...242 [PDF]

26PA10 The New Lidar System at Munich (Germany)
M. Wiegner, H. Quenzel (Univ. Munich, Germany) ...245 [PDF]

26PA11 ETL's Transportable Lower Troposphere Ozone Lidar Y. Zhao, J. N. Howell, M. Hardesty (NOAA ERL, USA) ...248 [PDF]

26PA12 Thunderstorm Locating and Laser Triggered Lightning of Electrical Discharge
S. Uchida, Y. Shimada, H. Yasuda, C. Yamanaka (Institute for Laser Technology, Japan), Y. Ishikubo, N. Shimokura (Kansai Electric Power Co., Japan), K. Matsu-ura, Z-I. Kawasaki, D-H. Wang, S. Nakai, T. Yamanaka, Y. Izawa, H. Fujita (Osaka Univ., Japan) ...251 [PDF]

26PA13 Computer Simulation Studies of an Atmospheric Tunable Lidar/DIAL System
W. E. Wilcox, Jr., D. K. Killinger (Univ. South Florida, USA) ...255 [PDF]

26PA14 Random Modulation CW Dye Lidar for Measuring Mesospheric Sodium Layer
M. Abo, C. Nagasawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan) ...258 [PDF]

26PAl5 Development of Tunable Diode Laser Heterodyne Spectrometers for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Minor Constituents
M. Taguchi, S. Okano, M. Koide, N. Shigematsu, H. Fukunishi (Tohoku Univ., Japan) ...259 [PDF]

26PA16 Development of a Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer for Observation of the Antarctic Ozone Hole
H. Fukunishi, S. Okano, M. Taguchi, M. Koide, T. Abe (Tohoku Univ., Japan) ...261 [PDF]

26PA17 Modeling of the Cross Talks in a Phase-Shift Laser Rangefinder
T. Bosch (Ecole de Mines, France), M. Lescure (ENSEEIHT, France) ...263 [PDF]

26PA18 Optimization of Lidar System Parameters for Short Range Ozone Surveys in Urban Areas
D. L. Cunningham, S. E. Moody (Orca Photonic System, USA) ...265 [PDF]

26PA19 Development of a Lidar System at the Starflre Optical Range
G. G. Gimmestad, D.W. Roberts (Georgia Inst. Tech., USA), R. Q. Fugate, P. L. Leatherman, R. E. Ruane (Phillips Lab., USA) ...267 [PDF]

26PB: Lasers & Devices for Lidar Systems

26PBl Narrow-Band Alexandrite Laser for DIAL and Other Lidar Systems
H. S. Lee, A. Notari (Science & Engineering Services, Inc., USA) ...271 [PDF]

26PB2 The Design of Eye Safety YAG: TmCrHo Pulsed Laser and Study the Energy Losses of its Radiation in Air and Gas-Aerosol Media
V. V. Lasarev, G. G. Matvienko, Y. N. Ponomarev, V. S. Rybalko, I. S. Tyryshkin (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...275 [PDF]

26PB3 Retroreflectors Having Acute Dihedral Angles and Their Application to Laser Ranging Targets
N. Sugimoto, A. Minato (NIES, Japan) ...277 [PDF]

26PB4 New Class of Tunable Al203: Ti3+-Lasers with Laser and Electron Beams Pumping as a Lidar's Transmitters
A. N. Maltsev, V. S. Korolev, V. N. Kucharev (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...279 [PDF]

26PB5 Second Harmonic Generation of Short Pulse, High Peak-Power, Line-Narrowed TEA-CO2 Laser Using a AgGaSe2 Crystal
A. Harasaki, S. Nishioka, M. Susi (Japan Defense Agency, Japan), Y. Uchida, S. Ohkurna, J. Sakuma (Toshiba, Japan) ...283 [PDF]

26PB6 Lidar Prediction of EO Systems Performance
L. R. Bissonnetle (DREV, Canada), G. A. Findlay (Defence Sci. Tech. Org., Canada) ...287 [PDF]

26PB7 A Time Dependent Attenuator for Dynamic Range Reduction of Lidar-Signals
S. Lehmann, V. Wulfmeyer, J. Bösenberg (Max-Planck-Inst. Meteorol., Germany) ...289 [PDF]

26PB8 Possibility of Photon Counting in Near-Infrared (0.8-l.5pm) Region by Ge-APD
M. Tanaka (Hioki, Japan), S. Sakurai, F. Kobayashi, Y. Saito, T. Kano, A. Nomura (Shinshu Univ., Japan) ...291 [PDF]

26PB9 Simultaneous Three-Wavelength Dye Mixture Laser Tunable in Three-Primaiy-Color Region for Laser Sensing
Y. Saito, K. Shimodaira, A. Nomura, T. Kano (Shinshu Univ., Japan) ...295 [PDF]

26PB10 High-Resolution Spectral Studies of Ho Lasers for Lidar/DIAL Applications
D. K. Killinger, M. Vaidyanathan, C. He, T. Taczak (Univ. South Florida, USA) ...298 [PDF]

26PB11 A 110J High Energetic Flashlamp-Pumped Dye Laser
H. Uchiyama, M. Jyumonji (Hachinohe Inst. Tech., Japan)...301 [PDF]

26PB12 Scintillation of a Tunable Diode Laser Beam Around 7μm Absorption Lines
N. Kagawa (Fukuyama Univ., Japan), S. Ohkura, O. Wada, R. Koga (Okayama Univ., Japan) ...303 [PDF]

26PB13 An Efficient LD Pumped Nd:YAG Laser System
M. Ohmi, M. Akatsuka, N. Srinivasan, H. Kiriyama, M. Yamanaka, M. Nakatsuka, Y. Izawa, S. Nakai (Osaka Univ., Japan) ...305 [PDF]

26PB14 Deforming Characteristics of Deformable Mirror for Laser Beam-Farming
K. Nemoto, S. Iitsuka, T. Fujii, N. Goto (CRIEPI, Japan), Y. Kauai (Leonix Corp., Japan) ...307 [PDF]

26PB15 High-Speed Frequency-Sweeping Semiconductor Laser for Remote Sensing
T. Fujii, K. Nemoto (CRIEPI, Japan) ...311 [PDF]

26PB16 Spacebome Helium-Neon Laser
S. Hirai (Toshiba, Japan), S. Iwasaki (NRLM, Japan), M. Nakayama, H. Fujita, T. Satoh, T. Takahashi (Toshiba, Japan) ...315 [PDF]

26PB17 Frequency Mixing of Dual Excitation Pulses from Ti:Al2O3 Lasers
S. Wada (RIKEN, Japan), K. Akagawa (Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Japan), A. Suda (RIKEN, Japan), A. Nakamura (Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Japan), H. Tashiro (RIKEN, Japan) ...318 [PDF]

26PB18 High Brightness Excimer Laser for Lidar Applications
T. Enami, T. Kakuno, T. Enami (Toshiba, Japan) ...322 [PDF]

26PB19 Fine Tuning of an Injection-Locked TEA CO2 Laser by Means of Intracavity Acljve Frequency Shift
A. Suda (RIKEN, Japan), T. Takasaki, T. Shinozaki, K. Nagasaka (Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Japan), H. Tashiro (RIKEN, Japan) ...326 [PDF]

26PB20 Measurements of Spectral Purity of an Injection Seeded Alexandrite Ring Laser for a DIAL Temperature Lidar
C. R. Prasad (Science & Engineering Services, Inc., USA), G. K. Schwemmer (NASA GSFC, USA), A. Notari (Science & Engineering Services, Inc., USA), J. Famiglietti (NASA GSFC, USA) ...329 [PDF]

26PB21 Diode-Pumped Tm, Ho: YAG Microchip Laser
T. Yokozawa, H. Nakajima, T. Yamamoto, H. Hara (IHI, Japan) ...333 [PDF]

26PB22 Optical Bistability Effects in a 2 μm Tm,Ho:YAG Microchip Laser
H. Nakajima (IHI, Japan), V. E. Hartwell, N. Djeu (Univ. South Florida, USA) ...335 [PDF]

26PB23 Diode-Pumped 1.53μm Er,Yb:Glass Lasers for Eye-Safe Lidar Applications
T. Itch, K. Kasuya, T. Taira, T. Kobayashi (Fukui Univ., Japan) ...337 [PDF]

26PB24 On a Possibility of the Tunable Visible Dye-Free Laser Action
S. V. Mel'chenko, A. L. Fedorov (Inst. High Current Electronics, Russia)---339 [PDF]

26PB25 XeCl-Laser Spectrum Dynamics
S. V. Mel'chenko, S. E. Kunts (Inst. High Current Electronics, Russia), A. I. Fedorov (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...340 [PDF]

July 27 (Wed)
8:40~11:50 Session 27A Space Lidar (NASDA)
Chair persons: T. Moriyama (NASDA, Japan)

27A1 LITE--the Shuttle-Borne Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (Invited)
M. P. McCormick (NASA LaRC, USA) ...341 [PDF]

27A2 Russian Space Lidars and Stationary Lidar Complexes for Support of Satellite Observations (Invited)
V. E. Zuev, V. V. Zuev, G. G. Matvienko (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...345 [PDF]

27A3 DLR-Doppler Lidar Activities: From ground-based to airborne and space-borne Doppler lidars (Invited)
Ch. Werner (DLR, Germany) ...349 [PDF]

27A4 Space Lidar Activities in Japan (Invited)
K. Asai (Tohoku Inst. Tech., Japan) ...353 [PDF]

27A5 Role of space-lidar technique for climate modeling (Invited)
A. Sumi (Univ. Tokyo, Japan) ...355 [PDF]

14:00-18:00 Excursion (Matsushima Bay Area)

18:00-20:30 Banquet (Matsushima Aquarium)

July 28 (Thu)
8:40-9:45 Session 28A Polar Region Phenomena
Chair persons: A. I. Carswell (York University, Canada), C. Nagasawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan)

28A1 Polar Stratospheric Aerosols and Global Environment Change - Lidar Measurement- (Invited)
Y. Iwasaka (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan) ...356 [PDF]

28A2 Lidar Observation at Eureka in Canadian High Arctic
T. Nagai, O. Uchino, T. Fujixnoto (MRI, Japan), T. Itabe, K. Mizutani (CRL, Japan), T. Shibata (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan) ...358 [PDF]

28A3 Japan Arctic Lidar Network (JALNet)
T. Shibata, Y. Iwasaka (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan), M. Fujiwara (Fukuoka Univ., Japan), T. Itabe, K. Mizutani (CRL, Japan), O. Uchino, T. Nagai, T Fujimoto (MRI, Japan) ...360 [PDF]

28A4 Lidar Measurements at the NDSC Station ASTRO in the Canadian Arctic
A. I. Carswell, D. P. Donovan, W. Steinbrecht, J. Whiteway (York Univ., Canada) ...361 [PDF]

10:00~11:50 Session 28B Volcanic Eruption & Pinatubo
Chair persons: C. Weikamp (GKSS, Germany), M. Fujiwara (Fukuoka Univ., Japan)

28B1 Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Aerosol over Beijing and Antarctic
J. Qiu, J. Sun, D. Lu, Q. Xia, J. Zhan (Inst. Atmos. Physics, CAS, China) ...363 [PDF]

28B2 Mauna Loa Observatory Lidar Measurements of El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo Aerosols
J. E. Bames (NOAA Mauna Loa, USA), D. J. Hofmann (NOAA CMDL, USA)...367 [PDF]

28B3 Variation of Pinatubo Volcanic Aerosols Observed by Lidar in Fukuoka, Japan
M. Yasui (Kyushu Univ., Japan), S. Ikawa, H. Nonaka, K. Shiraishi, M. Fujiwara (Fukuoka Univ., Japan) ...368 [PDF]

28B4 Stratospheric Aerosols and Pinatubo Eruption Clouds (Invited)
H. Jäger, V. Freudenthaler, F. Homburg (Fraunhofer Inst., Germany) ...371 [PDF]

28B5 Determination of Pinatubo-Aerosol Optical Depth and Microphysical Parameters without Critical Assumptions
A. Ansmann, U. Wandinger (Inst. Troposphaerenforschung, Germany), C. Weitkamp (GKSS, Germany) ...375 [PDF]

28B6 Mt. Pinatubo Aerosol Size Distributions Derived from 4-Wavelengths Lidar Measurements in the Arctic Winter 1991/92
B. Stein, P. Rairoux, C. Wedekind, L. Wöste (Free Univ. Berlin, Germany), M. Del Guasta, M. Morandi, L. Stefanutti (Inst. Ricerca Onde Eleltromagnetiche, Italy) ...378 [PDF]

28B7 Global Lidar Monitoring of the Pinatubo Volcanic Aerosols and Their Effects on Climate (Invited)
O. Uchino (MRI, Japan) ...381 [PDF]

13:20~l5:05 Session 28C Ozone Measurement (1) (NIES)
Chair persons: J. Qiu (At nos. Physics Inst., China), H. Nakano (NIES, Japan)

28C1 Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric Ozone (Invited)
G. Megie (CNRS, France) ...385 [PDF]

28C2 Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Ozone, Temperature and Aerosols at the Mauna Loa and Table Mountain NDSC Stations (Invited)
I. S. McDermid, E, W. Sirko, T. D. Walsh (JPL, USA) ...389 [PDF]

28C3 Estimation of DIAL Algorithms for Stratospheric Ozone
T. Fujimoto, O. Uchino, T. Nagai (MRI, Japan) ...392 [PDF]

28C4 Ozone Profile Comparison Between the York-ISTS-AES DIAL and Sage II
W. Steinbrecht, A. I. Carswell (York Univ., Canada) ...398 [PDF]

28C5 Combined Aerosol-Ozone Raman Lidar
J. Reichardt, M. Serwazi, C. Weitkamp, W. Michaelis (GKSS, Germany) [PDF]

28C6 Measurements of Ozone Profiles at Southern Mid-Latitudes
T. J. McGee (NASA GSFC, USA), U. N. Singh, M. R. Gross (Hughes STX, USA), P. Kimvilakani (IDEA, USA), A. Matthews (National Inst. Water and Air Lauder, New Zealand) ...401 [PDF]

15:25-17:00 Session 28D Ozone Measurement (2) (NIES)
Chair persons: T. McGee (NASA GSFC, USA), Y. Sasano (NIES, Japan)

28D1 The Design and Initial Observations of a Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Capable of Continuous Rapid Profiling Day and Night (Invited)
M. H. Proffitt (NOAA Aeronomy Lab., USA) ...403 [PDF]

28D2 RIVM' s Stratospheric Ozone Lidar for NDSC Station Lauder: System Description and First Results (Invited)
D. P. J. Swart, J. Spakman, H. B. Bergwerff (RIVM, Netherlands) ...405 [PDF]

28D3 Systematic Ozone and Aerosol Lidar Measurements at OHP(44° N, 6° E) and Dumont D'urville (66° S, 120° E)
S. Godin, C. David, A. M. Lacoste (CNRS, France) ...409 [PDF]

28D4 DIAL Ozone Measurements at the Meteorological Observatory HohenpeiBenberg: Climatology and Trends
H. Claude, F. SchOnenborn, W. Sleinbrecht, W. Vandersee (Meteorol. Obs., Germany) ...413 [PDF]

28D5 Five Years Lidar Observation of Vertical Pro files of Stratospheric Ozone at NIES, Tsukuba (36° N, 140° E)
H. Nakano, N. Sugimoto, S. Hayashida, Y. Sasano, I. Matsui (NIES, Japan) ...416 [PDF]

17:30-19:30 Poster Session

28PA: Polar Region Phenomena

28PA1 Aerosol, Ozone, and Temperature Measurements with a Multi-Wavelength Lidar at Spitsbergen
R. Neuber, G. Beyerle, B. Hesse, K. Siebel (Alfred Wegener Inst., Germany), P. von der Galhen, F. Wittrock (Univ. Bremen, Germany) ...420 [PDF]

28PA2 Multi-Wavelength Lidar Configurations for Polar Stratospheric Research
P. von der Gathen (Univ. Bremen, Germany), B. Hesse, G. Beyerle, R. Neuber (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany) ...422 [PDF]

28PA3 The Distribution of Aerosol in the Arctic Stratosphere during Three Winters after the Eruption of Mt. Pinatubo
W. Renger, M. Wirth (DLR, Germany) ...424 [PDF]

28PA4 Aerosols in the Arctic Troposphere at Eureka, Canada
T. Itabe (CRL, Japan), T. Shibata (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan), K. Mizutani (CRL, Japan), O. Uchino, T. Nagai, T. Fujimoto (MRI, Japan) ...426 [PDF]

28PA5 Lidar Observations of Atmospheric Aerosols in Svarbard, Norway
M. Fujiwara (Fukuoka Univ., Japan), Y. lusaka, T. Shibata, M. Nagatani, M. Hayashi (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan), K. Shiraishi, K. Nagata, K. Ukaji (Fukuoka Univ., Japan) ...427 [PDF]

28PB: Volcanic Eruption & Pinatubo

28PB1 The Pinatubo Cloud: Lidar Aerosol-Measurements and Balloonsonde Profiles of O3 and Temperature at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeilienberg
W. Steinbrecht, H. Claude, F. Schoenenborn, P. Winkler (Meteorol. Obs., Germany) ...430 [PDF]

28PB2 Statistical Analysis for Stratospheric Aerosol Sensing Data after Mt. Pinatubo Eruption
A. P. Chaikovsky, A. P. Ivanov, F. P. Osipenko, V. N. Shcherbakov (Belarus Acad. Sci., Belarus) ...432 [PDF]

28PB3 Observations of Pinatubo Volcanic Clouds at Wakkanai (45.4 N, 141.7 E)
T.Itabe, K. Mizutani (CRL, Japan), T. Shibata (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan), K. Asai (Tohoku Inst. Tech., Japan) ...434 [PDF]

28PB4 Retrieval of Pinatubo Aerosol Size Distribution from Backscattering and Optical Thickness Measurements
P. Di Girolamo, R. V. Gagliardi, G. Pappalardo, R. Velotta (Univ. Basilicata, Italy), V. Barardi, N. Spinelli (Univ. Napoli, Italy) ...436 [PDF]

28PB5 Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Aerosol over Toyokawa, Japan, after the Eruption of the June 1991 Mt. Pinatubo -- Stratospheric Temperature Anomalies due to the Pinatubo Aerosol --
Y. Iwasaka, M. Hayashi, T. Shibata, M. Nagatani, H. Nakada, T. Ojio (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan) ...440 [PDF]

28PB6 Pinatubo Stratospheric Aerosol Layers Observed Routinely by a 589 nm Lidar
M. Abo, C. Nagasawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan) ...442 [PDF]

28PB7 Transport of Pinatubo Aerosols to Arctic Region -- Lidar Measurements at Alaska, Winter 1991/1992 --
Y. Iwasaka, M. Hayashi, T. Shibata, K. Matunaga, M. Nagatani, H. Nakada, I. Mori, T. Ojio (STEL, Nagoya Univ., Japan), M. Fujiwara, E. Akiyoshi, S. Yasumatu (Fukuoka Univ., Japan), K. Yamazaki (MRI, Japan), K. Kondoh (Japan Meteorol. Agency, Japan), H. Nakane (NIES, Japan) ...444 [PDF]

28PB8 Evolution of the Pinatubo Volcanic Cloud over Hampton, Virginia
M. T. Osborn (SAIC, USA), D. M. Winker, D. C. Woods (NASA LaRC, USA), R. J. DeCoursey, C. R. Trepte (SAIC, USA) ...446 [PDF]

28PB9 Measurements of Stratospheric Aerosols with A Combined Rayleigh/Raman DIAL Lidar
M. R. Gross (Hughes STX, USA), T. J. McGee (NASA/GSFC, USA), U. n. Singh (Hughes STX, USA) ...450 [PDF]

28PC: Ozone Measurement

28PC1 Improvement of DIAL Ozone Measurements Using an Additional Raman Channel
V. Matthias, V. Wulfmeyer, J. Boesenberg (Max-Planck-Inst. Meteorol., Germany) ...453 [PDF]

28PC2 Vertical arid Temporal Distribution of Ozone in the Lower Troposphere Measured with DIAL
G. C. Grabbe, J. Boesenberg (Max-Planck-Inst. Meteorol., Germany), T. Schaberl (Univ. Hamburg, Germany) ...456 [PDF]

28PC3 Time Series of Ozone Vertical Profiles in a Rural and an Urban Environment
C. Weilkamp, U.-B. Goers, P. Bisling, J. Glauer, S. Koehler, W. Lahmann, W. Michaelis (GKSS, Germany) ...458 [PDF]

28PC4 1991 and 1993 Tropospheric Ozone Measurements at IFU
W. Camuth, U. Kempfer, T. Trickl (Fraunhofer Inst., Germany) ...461 [PDF]

28PC5 A Shot per Shot DIAL System for Ozone Measurements and for a Possible Determination of Wind Fields
E. Durieux, B. Calpini, L. Fiorani, L. Jaquet, H. van den Bergh (EPFL, Switzerland) ...464 [PDF]

28PC6 Characterization of Signal-Induced Noise for Two Stratospheric Ozone DIAL Systems
W. Steinbrecht, A. I. Carswell (York Univ., Canada) ...468 [PDF]

28PC7 Daytime Stratospheric Ozone DIAL System for the Alomar Observatory
B. Smith, A. Ulitsky (Optic, Canada) ...471 [PDF]

28PC8 DIAL Measurement of Vertical Ozone Profiles in due Troposphere Containing Aerosol Layers with Strong Backscatter Gradients
V. A. Kovalev (EPA, USA) ...474 [PDF]

28PC9 New Optics of the Ozone DIAL Lidar System at OHP (44° N, 6° E)
J.Porteneuve, A. Garnier, S. Go dif (CNRS, France) ...475 [PDF]

28PD: Coherent Lidar / Space Lidar

28PD1 SNR Analysis of a Novel Wideband Doppler Lidar Detection Technique
E. Stoykova, B. Bratanov, D. V. Stoyanov (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria) ...478 [PDF]

28PD2 A Compact, All Solid-State Coherent Doppler Nd:YAG Laser Radar for Wind Profiling
Z. Liu, M. Kawai, T. Taira, T. Kobayashi (Fukui Univ., Japan) ...482 [PDF]

28PD3 Prototype Development of a Pseudo-Random Modulation Range Imager
H. S. Lee, A. Notari, L. K. S. Wan (Science & Engineering Services, Inc., USA) ...485 [PDF]

28PD4 Siberian Multifrequency Lidar Station for Ground -B ased Support Measurements in LITE Experiment
V. V. Zuev, V. D. Burlakov, M. V. Grishaev, B. S. Kostin, V. L. Pravdin (Inst. Atmos.Optics, Russia) ...489 [PDF]

28PD5 Development of a CO2 Laser for Spacebome Doppler Windlidar
D. V. Willetts, M. R. Harris (Defence Research Agency, UK), E. Armandillo, C. Norrie (ESTEC, Netherlands), P. M. Schwarzenberger, S. Wallace (GEC Hirst Res. Centre, UK), W. Schaper, M. Gollor (Dornier GmbH, Germany), E. Galletti, E. Stucchi (CISE SpA, Italy) ...491 [PDF]

28PD6 Considerations for the Design and Implementation of the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System Laser Transmitter
R. S. AfzaI, M. D. Selker (NASA GSFC, USA) ...494 [PDF]

28PD7 Diode Side-Pumpcd Q-Switched Nd:YLF Laser for Airborne and Space Lidar Systems
A. Kikuchi, T. Noguchi (NASDA, Japan), Y. Hirano, S. Ueno, K. Tatsumi, K. Kasahara, Y. Osota (Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan) ...498 [PDF]

28PD8 Wavelength-Agile and Single-Longitudinal-Mode CO2 Lasers for the Retroretlector in Space (RIS) Experiment
R. Nordstrom, L. Berg, A. Desimone (Laser Science, Inc., USA), N. Sugimoto (NIES, Japan) ...502 [PDF]

28PD9 Satellite-to-Satellite Laser Ranging Instrument for Earth Gravity Measurements
J. B. Abshire, P. S. Millar (NASA GSFC, USA), X. Sun(Johns Hopkins Univ., USA) ...506 [PDF]

28PE: Mesosphere

28PE1 Temperature Measurements Intercomparison at OHP Using Rayleigh Lidar and UARS Instruments
P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne (CNRS, France), U. N. Singh, M. Gross (Hughes STX, USA), T. J. McGee (NASA GSFC, USA), J. Waters, E. Fischbein (JPL, USA), J. Gille (National Center for At nos. Res., USA), A. Roche (Lockheed Palo Alto Res. Lab., USA), P.Bailey (National Center for At nos. Res., USA), J. Kumer (Lockheed Palo Alto Res. Lab., USA), 1. Russell (NASA LaRC, USA) ...510 [PDF]

28PE2 A Novel Technique for Measuring Radial Wind and Temperatule 'm the Mesopause Region
J. R. Yu, C. Y. She (Colorado State Univ., USA) ...512 [PDF]

28PE3 Lidar Observations of Mesospheric Sodium Layers in Mid-Latitude
C. Nagasawa, M. Abo (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan) [PDF]

28PF: Cloud & Climate Change

28PF1 Stratospheric Temperature Measurements Intercomparison Using Lidar and UARS Instruments at Table Mountain NDSC Station
U. N. Singh, M. Gross (Hughes STX, USA), T. J. McGee (NASA GSFC, USA), I. S. McDermid, J. Waters, E. Fischbein (JPL, USA), J. Russell (NASA LaRC, USA), J. Gille, P. Bailey (NCAR, USA), A. Roche, J. Kumer (Lockheed Palo Alto Res. Lab., USA) ...516 [PDF]

28PP2 Lidar Observation of PBL-Clouds: in Part of ECLIPS Phase II
I. Kolev, O. Parvanov, B. Kaprielov, I. Grigorov, N. Gospodinova, Y. Tor ova (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria) ...518 [PDF]

28PF3 Enhanced ER-2 and DC-8 Lidar Observations in TOGA/COARE
J. Cavanaugh, J. D. Spinhirne, J. B. Blair (NASA GSFC, USA) ...520 [PDF]

28PF4 Investigations of Clouds of the Siberian Region as a Part of the ECLIPS Program
G. P. Kokhanenko, I. E. Penner, V, S. Shamanaev (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...512 [PDF]

28PF5 CREOL Laser Radar Activities at BMDO's ISTEF
P. Gatt, J. E. Harvey, A. R. Weeks, H. Myler, C. M. Stickley, R. Mongeon (Univ. Central Florida, USA) ...524 [PDF]

28PG: Data Analysis

28PG1 Application of Deconvolution Techniques to Lidar Signals
D. Peri, S. Egert, J. Sivan (Israel Inst. Biol. Res., Israel) ... 526 [PDF]

28PG2 Separating Mic Scattering from Rayleigh with a Bistatic Imaging Lidar
K. Yamaguchi (Meisei, Inc., Japan), K. Meki, F. Kobayashi, Y. Saito, T. Kano, A. Nomura (Shinshu Univ., Japan) ...529 [PDF]

28PG3 Aerosol Correction of the Atmospheric Ozone Sounding Data
V. V. Zuev, B. S. Kostin (Inst. Ammos. Optics, Russia) ...531 [PDF]

28PH: Atmospheric Parameter Measurement

28PH1 Infrasound-Range Periodic Variation in the Lidar Signals from the Troposphere and the Stratosphere
G. Kolarov, Tsvetan Mitsev (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria) ...533 [PDF]

July 29 (Fri.)
8:40-9:45 Session 29A Mesosphere
Chair persons: S. H. Melfi (NASA GSFC, USA), M. Maeda (Kyushu Univ., Japan)

29A1 Na Wind/Temperature Lidar Observations of the Mesospheric Region Temperatures and Winds (Invited)
C. S. Gardner, G. C. Papen (Univ. Illinois, USA) ...535 [PDF]

29A2 Lidar Measurement of Metallic Species in Mesopause Region Using a Ti:Sapphire Laser
C. Nagasawa, M. Abo (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan) ...537 [PDF]

29A3 Lidar Monitoring of Trends and Natural Variability in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere (Invited)
M.-L. Chanin, P. Keck fut, A. Hauchecorne (CNRS, France) ...539 [PDF]

Session 29B Cloud & Climate Change
Chair persons: C. Silesia (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland), A. Nomura (Shinshu Univ., Japan)

29B1 Multiple Scattering Lidar and Cloud Properties
L. R. Bissonnette, D. L. Huff (DREV, Canada) ...541 [PDF]

29B2 On the Feasibility of Using Multiwavelength Lidar Measurements to Measure Cloud Condensation Nuclei
G. Feingold (Univ. Colorado, USA), C. J. Grand (NOAA, USA) ...543 [PDF]

29B3 Statistical Nature of Good Geometrical and Optical Parameters for Atmospheric Modeling from ECLIPS I and II Measurements
S. R. Pal, A. I. Carswell (York Univ., Canada) ...544 [PDF]

29B4 Investigation of the Multiple-Scattering Influence on Cloud Depolarization-Ratio Measurements Based on Polarization-Raman-Lidar Experiments
U. Wandinger, A. Ansmann (Inst. Troposphétrenforschung, Germany), C. Weitkamp (GKSS, Germany) ...547 [PDF]

29B5 "CIRREX'93" Preliminary Results of One Year Lidar Survey of Cirrus at Mid-Latitude
S. Elouragini, P. H. Flamant (Ecole Polytechnique, France) ...550 [PDF]

29B6 Contrail Studies at FARS: Evaluation of Potential for Climate Change
K. Sassen, R. Benson, K. Duffy (Univ. Utah, USA) ...552 [PDF]

29B7 Climatology of the Mesopause Region over Fort Collins, CO (40.6'N, 105'W)
C. Y. She, J. R. Yu (Colorado State Univ., USA) ...555 [PDF]

29B8 Lidar Observation of Kosa (Asian Dust) over the Gobi Desert during the Dust Season of 1991
K. Kai (Tsukuba Univ., Japan), S. Shimoda (Japan Weather Assoc., Japan), M. Abo, C. Nagawasa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan), Y. Mitsuta (Kyoto Univ., Japan), S. Zhibao (Lanzhou Inst. Plateau At nos. Phys., China) ...557 [PDF]

13:20-14:00 Session 29C Data Analysis
Chair persons: D. K. Killinger (Univ. South Florida, USA), Y. Fujii (Univ. Tokyo, Japan)

29C1 Data Reduction Algorithm for Earth-Satellite Laser Long-Path Absorption Measurement Using RIS
A. Minato (NIES, Japan), H. Ohshima (lntemational Meteorol & Oceanographic Consultants Co., Ltd, Japan), Y. Sasano, N. Sugimoto (NIES, Japan) ...559 [PDF]

29C2 On the Influence of the Pulse-Shape Uncertainty on the Accuracy of Founler-Deconvoluted Lidar Profiles
T. N. Dreischuh, L. L. Gurdev, D. V. Stoyanov (Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Bulgaria) ...561 [PDF]

29C3 The Notion of Variance in the Data Analysis of Rayleigh-Mie Lidar Signal
A. Hauchecome, P. Keck fut, C. Souprayen (CNRS, France) ...564 [PDF]

14:15~16:00 Session 29D Atmospheric Parameter Measurement
Chair persons: E.E. Uthe (SRI, USA), T. Kobayashi (Fukui Univ., Japan)

29D1 Strange Behavior of the Measurement of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles of the Rotational Raman Lidar
T. Kitada (Kansai Electnlc Power Co., Japan), A. Hori (Kansai Environ. Engineering Center Co., Japan), T. Taira, T. Kobayashi (Fukui Univ., Japan) ...567 [PDF]

29D2 Atmospheric DIAL Temperature Profile Measurements
C. L. Korb, G. K. Schwemmer (NASA GSFC, USA), C. R. Prasad (Science & Engineering Services, Inc., USA), C. Y. Weng (Science Systems & Applications, Inc., USA), J. Famiglietti, C. N. Flamant (Univ. Maryland, USA) ...569 [PDF]

29D3 Determination of Temperature Vertical Profile in Lower Stratosphere Using the Multifrequency Lidar Data
V. V. Zuev, B. S. Kostin (Inst. At nos. Optics, Russia) ...573 [PDF]

29D4 Lidar Measurement of Wind Velocity by Tracking a Single Cloud Movement
K. M. Leung, T. J. Lin, J. C. L. Chan (City Politechnic of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) ...575 [PDF]

29D5 A New Generation of Doppler Rayleigh Lidar for Absolute Wind Measurements
A. Garnier, J. Porteneuve, J. P. Marcovici, F. Pinsard, A. Theodon, C. Leroy, F. Fassina, M. Maillard, G. Velghe, C. Souprayen (CNRS, France) ...578 [PDF]

29D6 Ground-Based Lidar Wind Measurement with the Edge Technique
B. M. Gentry, C. L. Korb (NASA GSFC, USA), S. X. Li (Science & Engineering Services, Inc., USA) ...580 [PDF]

29D7 Correlation Lidar Measurements of Fluctuating Wind Velocity
G. G. Matvicnko, G. Y. Patrushev, A. L. Afanas'ev, A. I. Grishin, A. P. Rostov, Y. M. Vorevodin (Inst. Atmos. Optics, Russia) ...583 [PDF]

29D8 Optical Description of Convection Turbulence from the Measurement with Hartmann Wavefront Sensor and Single Aperture Sensor
Y. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Zen (Anhui Inst. Opt. Fine Mechanics, China) ...587 [PDF]

16:00 Closing Remark